Abu - Mischievous Monkey -Common
Aladdin - Cornered Swordsman -Common
Aladdin - Prince Ali -Common
Aladdin - Street Rat -Common
Ariel - On Human Legs -Uncommon
Archimedes - Highly Educated Owl -Common
Aurora - Regal Princess -Uncommon
Ariel - Whoseit Collector -Rare
Aurora - Briar Rose -Common
Beast - Hardheaded -Uncommon
Break -Common
Beast?s Mirror -Common
Captain - Colonel?s Lieutenant -Uncommon
Chief Tui - Respected Leader -Uncommon
Control Your Temper! -Common
Cinderella - Gentle and Kind -Uncommon
Cut to the Chase -Uncommon
Coconut Basket -Uncommon
Dinglehopper -Common
Do It Again -Rare
Donald Duck - Boisterous Fowl -Uncommon
Donald Duck - Strutting His Stuff -Common
Donald Duck - Musketeer -Uncommon
Dr. Facilier?s Cards -Uncommon
Merlin - Self-Apointed Mentor -Common
Minnie Mouse - Always Classy -Common
Minnie Mouse - Beloved Princess -Common
Mickey Mouse - Artful Rogue -Super Rare
Moana - Chosen by the Ocean -Uncommon
Mickey Mouse - Detective -Common